Letters Uncategorized

Going in the wrong direction

Our efforts at solving the major issues of today such as violence against women, aged care support to mention just two are doomed to fail.  I believe that the people tasked with running government are too inexperienced. Having just obtained my OBE, looking back over the last 50 years, I am truly amazed at how much I have learned and how much I have changed in my life attitudes.  In fact I am frightened at some of the things I believed in and did as a young man.  The Americans voted in Joe Biden to replace the dangerous Donald Trump.  They chose a man who is 78 years old, a former Vice-President, a career public servant, a man sadly familiar with tragedy.  He is the right man to lead America out of the mess they are in.  We need elder statesmen of his calibre to be running this country, not people with their personal vested interests who still have soap behind their ears.

Letters Uncategorized

How much are footballers really worth?

Wayne Carey thinks that the Carlton captain Patrick Cripps is worth at least $1million a year (The Age Sport 14/5).  No footballer, no matter how good he is, is worth that amount of money to train in the sport they love in order to play 22 games of football plus some finals games if they are lucky.  To believe that is an insult to all of our nurses, paramedics, aged care workers, teachers etc.

Letters Uncategorized

Still too much testosterone methinks

One would have thought that with all the discussion about the treatment towards women in Canberra that the testosterone levels would be slowly reducing, but no, quite the opposite it seems.  The Prime Minister seems even more determined to upset China.  David versus Goliath.  Peter Dutton has come out of hibernation telling James Merlino that we don’t need a quarantine centre because the hotel quarantine system is working perfectly well.  If that is the case, then why aren’t we bringing stranded Australian citizens home and into hotel quarantine?   But no, and if they do try and get home, they face possible jail time and/or a hefty fine.  I hope none of our cricketers in India don’t catch Covid – that would really put the cat among the pigeons.  And now Major-General Adam Findlay is warning us of a likely China conflict. Of course he is – he’s a Major-General in the army and he didn’t join the army to play tiddlywinks.  War is their game and they aren’t the ones getting killed in action or coming home with PTSD.

Letters Uncategorized

The Evil One

Scott Morrison believes that social media is being used by the “evil one”.  I’m not quite sure what he means by the “evil one” but I presume he doesn’t mean the leader of the Labor Party.

He also admits that he asked God for a sign during a difficult run on the 2019 election campaign and believes God gave it to him.  If God is going to listen to a scheming ‘happy clapper’, then why doesn’t he listen to many other seriously devout Christians who pray to him for assistance?

I also wonder what his God thought about the actions of the Morrison prayer group that used to meet on Tuesday nights in parliamentary sitting weeks. And especially the one just before Scott Morrison ousted Malcolm Turnbull two days after he put his arm around Malcolm declaring exuberantly  “this is my leader and I’m ambitious for him.

I think Scott and I believe in a different God.

Letters Personal


We are constantly being reminded to be less wasteful and to be ultra-conscious of what we dispose of and what we recycle.

In last Saturday’s Age newspaper, there was a 50 page glossy DOMAIN magazine, a 40 page glossy Harvey Norman magazine, an 8 page travel glossy plus the regular travel section.  All went straight into the recycle bin.  Plus there were several pages within the newspaper of Harvey Norman and Domayne full page ads which I never read and never will.  I wonder how many other people throw this much away like I do.  At a guess, I would say more than 50 percent of people.

Letters Politics

It’s tax time

Every year the gap between the haves and the have-nots gets bigger.  The high earners are earning more money than they can sensibly spend and still they want more and they will get more.  One can only make a profit if one has something to invest.  The low end of the scale isn’t growing and doesn’t look like it ever will.  They are destined to be poor.  It’s time that the politicians in Canberra faced up to these facts and set fair and equitable tax rates.  The top earners pay far too little in tax and that is wrong.  They can afford to pay more and they should.  It’s all very well to say that the leaners should get off their backsides and look for better jobs but for the majority that isn’t possible.  The majority of the top end earners have never been leaners and have been blessed with a better start to life than those on low incomes.  An unfair advantage that needs to be righted.

Covid-19 Letters


Anglesea is a coastal-rural town.  We are blessed with excellent medical facilities and a well-run nursing home.  When the Medical Centre receives supplies of the vaccination, my doctor will contact me and give me my jab. The nursing home residents ought to be able to receive their Covid vaccinations from the local doctors, but they can’t.  It seems the Federal stalwarts have outsourced that task to a private company.  Here we go again.

Letters Uncategorized

Biloela family

It is three years now since the Biloela family were taken into detention and nineteen months since they were sent to Christmas Island.  How these two girls can still smile is truly amazing.  They must be very strong.  It breaks my heart to see this picture.

Letters Politics

Political leadership

Unless one is a dyed in the wool, paid up Liberal voter, it is clear to anyone with a conscience that our leadership in Canberra is abysmal, and the same can be said for the other mob, especially among the male politicians.  If I were the chairman of a large corporate organisation looking for a new CEO, I would be hard pressed to find anyone if I wanted a politician except maybe one or two women politicians.  Looking around the world, it is the same everywhere, hard to finder a leader of quality.  Angela Merkel is one of the few standouts and possibly Joe Biden will prove to be a capable leader.  The big question is, how do we encourage the right sort of person to go into politics in the first place, who would want to be part of the current rabble, and especially when people like Barnaby Joyce make puerile comments like “by its very nature, Parliament has the objective that one side has to get rid of the other, and vice versa.  It’s a hostile crazy boarding school out in the country”.

Letters Politics

Overpaid University Vice Chancellors

In 2018 the former Vice-Chancellor of Melbourne University earned $1,589,999 compared with $1,304,999 the previous year (1).  Clearly the current Vice-Chancellor will be earning a lot more than that.  It is no wonder that the Universities are desperate to bring the high paying overseas students back into the country. 

The average salary for a High School teacher is $72,092 and for a Primary School teacher is $69,627 (2).  To graduate as a teacher today will cost at least $20,000 and that is after their parents have forked out significant school fees and other payments.

This trend isn’t going to go away anytime soon and I dread to imagine what it will be like in 10 years’ time.

There was a time when education was free and it should never have been abolished.  Every child regardless of background should be entitled to a free education and therefore have the chance to realise their full potential.  And preference should be given to local students over overseas students every time.
